Tuesday, June 5

My day.

Ok so ever since summer started I basically have done the same thing everyday during the week. (except when I have actually had plans.)

So I thought it would be fun to show you exactly what I do each day.
In pictures! :D
cause pictures are so fun. 

I put times on the pictures and the time on the picture is when I finish doing the activity that I am doing in the picture.

So here it is

So I usually sleep in around 10:30 then I finally tell myself to get up -_-

Then after I wake up I watch TV until about 11:30

I decided I should actually get dressed and do something.

So I get in the car and decide I'm hungry.

I stop for lunch.

Then I swim for a few hours.

Then after my swim I usually sit by the pool tanning...my feet.

Then back inside I eat a small snack.

Then sit on my laptop for awhile "working".

Then I decide I'm hungry again.

How bout some TV after dinner.

Then a change into comfy PJ's!

Then back onto my laptop til like 2:30 or 3:00 in the morning.

After that I usually crash.
Then it starts all over the next day!
so much fun.

So thats basically how each day goes.
Not exactly but close enough.


I need a life.


  1. Dear sweet Princess Celestia! It's My Little Pony! XD

  2. yeah because i watch that all day everyday. XD
